Community for tech and product enthusiasts

Upcoming events

Explore our different formats

Picture from the event

Tech night

Technical knowledge-sharing events on a regular basis. You can expect short & sweet 20 min presentations with some live demos, but we’re trying other formats too. Beers and networking are must! The events are open to the entire tech community and we are still looking for speakers outside of Sudolabs.

Product talks

Whether you are a UX/UI designer, SW engineer, Product manager, Data analyst. Or you aspire to create your own digital product, these talks are for you! Learn the modern methodology of digital product management. Do you have experience with building digital products too? Then join us and share your knowledge.

Beer & Code

You're in the right place if you are eager to meet new people! These informal friendly meet-ups are usually held at Kino Usmev, Kosice during the summer months. Tech and start-up enthusiasts are welcomed. Networking, free beer, and fun are the only things on the agenda - no presentations or speakers. Joins us next time!

Let's do something great together

Would you like to become a speaker? Or do you have your own new idea on how we can boost the tech community? Are you looking for a partner for your next cool event?


Minified: Web dev news podcast

Minified is a bi-weekly rundown of web-development news that piqued our interest (Javascript, Node, React, DevOps, you name it). Hosted by Richard Rosko, Engineering Manager at Sudolabs.

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